Denim and Guns: Fashion for Awareness and Change in Gun Violence

Welcome to Denim and Guns, where fashion meets social awareness. In a world filled with increasing incidents of gun violence, we believe that it is our responsibility to bring attention to this pressing issue through thought-provoking fashion. Our luxury brand offers a range of collections that address various themes related to gun violence, sparking important conversations and creating an eye-opening effect.

Help Prevent Gun Violence

Get a free shirt and shopping updates from Denimandguns.Com as a gift and I can send the resources to organizations that prevent gun violence


ne of our most distinctive pieces is the "Mommy I feel sick...I don't

want to go to school… I may get shot…I’m too young to die” hoodie. This powerful statement captures the genuine fears that some children face every morning as they wake up to go to school. By wearing this hoodie, we aim to raise awareness about the harsh reality of gun violence and its impact on our youth. Our intention is to initiate discussions that lead to finding solutions to end these senseless killings.

In addition to promoting awareness, we are dedicated to supporting victims and survivors of gun violence. As part of our mission, we pledge to donate 1% of our yearly profits to charities, organizations, or events focused on aiding those affected by gun violence. By choosing Denim and Guns, you actively contribute to making a difference and supporting these important causes.

Denim and Guns is committed to generating dialogue and fostering awareness about this growing problem within our communities in the United States. We firmly believe that fashion has the power to influence change and save lives. With each purchase from our brand, you become a part of the movement to combat gun violence.

We want to emphasize that Denim and Guns does not condone any acts of violence, whether they occurred in the past, present, or future. Our purpose is to shed light on the issue and encourage positive change within our society.

Join us in using fashion as a catalyst for change. Together, let’s work towards reducing gun violence and creating safer communities.

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Denim & Guns Premium Membership
$ 22 Monthly
  • Promo code for additional 10% off at checkout if spending $200 or less
  • Promo code for additional 20% off at checkout if spending over $200
  • Styling ideas
  • Gun violence updates
  • Automatic entry to $25-$100 gift card reward raffle


Denim & Guns Premium Membership
$ 60 Quarterly
  • Promo code for additional 10% off at checkout if spending $200 or less
  • Promo code for additional 20% off at checkout if spending over $200
  • Styling ideas
  • Gun violence updates
  • Automatic entry to $25-$100 gift card reward raffle
  • Denim & Guns merch box (shirt & accessory)


Denim & Guns Premium Membership
$ 200 Yearly
  • Promo code for additional 10% off at checkout if spending $200 or less
  • Promo code for additional 20% off at checkout if spending over $200
  • Styling ideas
  • Gun violence updates
  • Automatic entry to $25-$100 gift card reward raffle
  • VIP access to Denim & Guns event
  • Automatic entry to $100 - $1000 cash reward raffle

"Silencing the Shots: Empowering Change to End Gun Violence"

From Fashion to Activism: Join the Movement

  • Be a Catalyst for Change: At Denim and Guns, we believe that fashion can be a powerful tool for activism. By joining our movement, you can transform your passion for fashion into meaningful action against gun violence.
  • Uniting Fashion and Advocacy: We go beyond creating stylish garments. We invite you to be part of a community that uses fashion as a platform to raise awareness, drive conversations, and inspire positive change.
  • Wear Your Values: When you wear Denim and Guns, you not only make a fashion statement but also make a statement about the world you want to live in. Our designs serve as conversation starters, encouraging others to reflect on the urgent need to address gun violence.
  • Engage, Educate, Empower: As part of our movement, you will have the opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals, participate in educational initiatives, and empower yourself with knowledge and resources to make a tangible impact.
  • Action through Advocacy: We provide avenues for activism, including partnerships with organizations and events dedicated to ending gun violence. By leveraging the influence of fashion, we aim to enact real change and save lives.
  • Inspire Others: As an advocate for our movement, you become a source of inspiration for others. By sharing your journey, encouraging dialogue, and leading by example, you inspire others to take a stand and contribute to a safer future.
  • Fashion with Impact: Join us in transforming the fashion industry into a force for positive change. Together, we can redefine the boundaries of fashion and create a world where style and activism merge seamlessly.

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